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We Build Your Professional Network and Keep You Close to Your Country!

Our association connects Czech, Slovak and Polish expats and professionals in Switzerland, fosters long-term partnerships and shares information to support our world-class talents on their Swiss journey.

CometX Mission

Networking — Community Hub — Debates — Conferences
Business — Academia —​ Industry

CometX is an organization for Czech, Slovak and Polish expats, students, professionals, and all others living in Switzerland. Our goal is to connect people with each other, as well as with institutions and companies. We aim to support the personal growth of individuals with the potential to become outstanding leaders with a strong sense of civic responsibility. To achieve these objectives, we focus on networking activities that help individuals expand their business and personal connections. We also showcase the exceptional achievements of expats in Switzerland and their home countries, and bring attention to their activities. We foster discussions in various fields such as business, science, industry, art, economy, and current socio-political issues. The idea for CometX was born from a sense of disconnection from our home countries, fellow compatriots, and culture. Many of us moved to Switzerland for study, work, or personal reasons, and through CometX, we provide a unique opportunity for Czech, Slovak, and other foreign citizens to strengthen their network. We also offer information and support for a smooth transition to Switzerland, and help maintain local connections.




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Upcoming Events

  • Storytelling Workshop s Václavem Strnadelem
    Storytelling Workshop s Václavem Strnadelem
    Fri, Nov 01
    Nov 01, 2024, 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
    Opfikon, Boulevard Lilienthal 48, 8152 Opfikon, Switzerland
    Nov 01, 2024, 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
    Opfikon, Boulevard Lilienthal 48, 8152 Opfikon, Switzerland
    „Mozek nepřemýšlí v odrážkách. Přemýšlíme v obrázcích a příbězích.“ „Dobrý příběh vzbudí emoce. Skvělý příběh vybudí posluchače k akci“. Václav Strnadel je trenér soft-skills. Více než 20 let pomáhá firmám zlepšovat komunikaci a rozvíjet potenciál týmů i jednotlivců. Připojte se i vy!

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People Say About Us

Prof. Michal Juricek
Jana Plananska
Jana Plananska Mobility Solutions GmbH
"I have spoken at many conferences, but none like this one! Come join us next Friday at ETH Zürich to discuss with me and Jan Mastny about electric mobility, renewable energies and grid integration."
Prof. Michal Juricek
Martin Takáč
Išlo o mimoriadne vydarenú akciu na vysokej ľudskej aj odbornej úrovni. Zároveň ponúkla pohostinnosť a príjemný pocit, ako pri návšteve u dobrých známych. Ako rečník som cítil, že chémia medzi diskutujúcimi a moderátormi naozaj fungovala, čo sa sympatickým spôsobom prenieslo aj na spoločné podebatné rozhovory so všetkými hosťami a návštevníkmi.
Prof. Michal Juricek
Petr Rokůsek
Visionary, businessman
Javorina, Cocuma, Nano Energies
I thank everyone who has given me wonderful attention - in such a great atmosphere at CometX ETH Zurich.
It was great for me to retrospectively go through my 30-year journey of business creation with my ideas. From aluminum to electricity to wood. I hope that even my theories on how to create through your own company have inspired you.
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